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At GoodLife Fitness, Age No Excuse to Avoid Exercise

January 23, 2018

Whether you’re young or older, exercise begins with the first step – literally, according to GoodLife Fitness exercise physiologist Aaron Russ.

Activity and exercise in older adults may be limited initially by poor posture, cardiovascular conditions and muscle limitations but these issues are not insurmountable. With the right exercise strategies, strength training and conditioning can build a stronger body, even reversing some of the effects of aging.

“Wherever you are, you can take a step forward to fitness,” Russ said.

The culprit is inactivity and sitting. Simple exercises against a wall or even seated in a chair can bring increased flexibility and endurance. From there, a broader range of motion can lead to a stronger core, better posture, improved balance, increased cardiovascular health and, in some cases, reduction or elimination of medications. A diet heavy on fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean protein further augment the journey to better health.

GoodLife Fitness, staffed by exercise professionals, has helped many older adults begin exercising regularly upon the approval of their personal physician. An individualized exercise plan is designed around the person’s abilities and goals which may include losing weight. This plan of action is modified as strength and flexibility increases.

GoodLife Fitness, a program of Hartford HealthCare, is offered in:

For more information on GoodLife Fitness, click here.