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Get Ready for the Healthy Family FunFest Fitness Challenge

February 19, 2018

Moms, dads and kids of all ages: the Healthy Family FunFest Fitness Challenge is on!

Whether it’s jumping rope or hula hooping, our seven-station Family Fitness Challenge is designed to engage you and yours in an action-packed obstacle course that’s sure to encourage your family’s competitive spirit and get everyone’s heart pumping and feet jumping!

Activities include a plank challenge to strengthen the body’s core which supports everyday activities; a 30-second sit-to-stand assessment to test the strength of the lower body as well as balance; and balance screening to determine stability to prevent falls and injuries. The only requirements are a sense of fun and friendly spirit of competition. Plus you can get to know the staff of from the Hartford HealthCare Rehabilitation Network. They’ll be on hand to answer your questions about healthy activities for the entire family!

The Healthy Family FunFest is FREE. Join us on Sunday, Feb. 25, 2018 at the Aqua Turf Club from 10:30 AM and 3 PM. For the latest information, visit here.