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COVID in Connecticut: A Snapshot Look as Fall Approaches

September 01, 2021

Time for a beginning-of-September, step-back look at COVID-19 data in Connecticut that reveals the highest test-positivity levels in months and an uptick in hospitalizations but relatively few deaths compared to peaks last year and earlier this year.

A high vaccination rate, second only to Vermont nationally, is helping the state manage the highly transmissible Delta variant.

“The majority of people who are in the ICU (intensive care unit) or in critical care or on a ventilator or, unfortunately, have passed are unvaccinated,” says Dr. Ulysses Wu, Hartford HealthCare’s System Director of Infection Disease and Chief Epidemiologist.

Here’s some information on the state of COVID in Connecticut:

COVID-19 Snapshot

The daily test positivity remains at the highest levels since April.

The latest data available Wednesday:

Most-Vaccinated States

Here are the nation’s Top 5 most-vaccinated states based on percentage of population fully vaccinated, according to data reported through Tuesday morning:

  1. Vermont: 67.91 percent.
  2. Connecticut: 66 percent.
  3. Massachusetts: 65.97 percent.
  4. Maine: 65.84 percent.
  5. Rhode Island: 64.72 percent.

Least-Vaccinated States

  1. Mississippi: 37.74 percent.
  2. Alabama: 38.35 percent.
  3. Wyoming: 38.63 percent.
  4. Idaho: 39.18 percent.
  5. West Virginia: 39.65 percent.

Cases In Every Town in the State

Here’s a look at the average daily rate of cases per 100,000 residents in every town in Connecticut (scroll over the town for detailed information):

COVID Cases in the State

The number of COVID-19 cases reported to the state Department of Public Health by day of first positive specimen collection or onset of illness:

People Hospitalized with COVID-19

This data, collected by the Connecticut Hospital Association since March 28, 2020, includes the number of patients hospitalized in the state with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 by day.

COVID-Related Deaths in the State

The state reports COVID-19 deaths each Thursday, though the data below includes probable deaths through Aug. 30. Through last Thursday, the state had recorded 8,355 COVID-related deaths.

COVID-related deaths include people who tested positive for COVID-19 around the time of death, according to the state Department of Public Health. It also includes anyone not tested for COVID-19 whose death certificates list COVID-19 disease or SARS-CoV-2 infection as a cause of death or a significant condition contributing to death.