Thoracic Cancer LUNGMAP
A Biomarker-Driven Master Protocol for Previously Treated Squamous Cell Lung Cancer (Lung-Map)
This screening and multi-sub-study randomized phase II/III trial will establish a method for genomic screening of similar large cancer populations followed by assigning and accruing simultaneously to a multi-sub-study hybrid Master Protocol (S1400). The type of cancer trait (biomarker) will determine to which sub-study, within this protocol, a participant will be assigned to compare new targeted cancer therapy, designed to block the growth and spread of cancer, or combinations to standard of care therapy with the ultimate goal of being able to approve new targeted therapies in this setting. In addition, the protocol includes a non-match sub-study which will include all screened patients not eligible for any of the biomarker-driven sub-studies. This sub-study will compare a non-match therapy to standard of care also with the goal of approval.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Patients must have pathologically proven squamous cell carcinoma (SCCA) cancer of the lung confirmed by tumor biopsy and/or fine-needle aspiration; disease must be stage IV SCCA, or recurrent; the primary diagnosis of SCCA should be established using the current World Health Organization (WHO)/International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC)-classification of Thoracic Malignancies; the diagnosis is based on hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stained slides with or without specific defined immunohistochemistry (IHC) characteristic (p40/p63 positive, transcription termination factor [TTF1] negative) if required for diagnosis; mixed histologies are not allowed
- Patients must either be eligible to be screened at progression on prior treatment or to be pre-screened prior to progression on current treatment; patients will either consent to the screening consent or the pre-screening consent, not both; these criteria are:
- Screening at progression on prior treatment: to be eligible for screening at progression, patients must have received at least one line of systemic therapy for any stage of disease (stages I-IV) and must have progressed during or following their most recent line of therapy; for patients whose prior systemic therapy was for stage I-III disease only (i.e. patient has not received any treatment for stage IV or recurrent disease), the prior systemic therapy must have been a platinum-based chemotherapy regimen and disease progression on the platinum-based chemotherapy must have occurred within one year from the last date that patient received that therapy; for patients whose prior therapy was for stage IV or recurrent disease, the patient must have received at least one line of a platinum-based chemotherapy regimen or checkpoint inhibitor therapy (e.g. nivolumab or pembrolizumab)
Available at: Hartford Hospital, Hospital of Central Connecticut, MidState Medical Center and William Backus Hospital